Bottled water nutritional information


Natural Mineral Water vs Spring water. What is the difference?

Natural mineral water must originate from an underground water table, and is bottled at source. It is microbiologically wholesome and naturally free from pollution and harmful micro-organisms. It does need to demonstrate a stable composition of minerals, which is preserved by the extraction and bottling methods.  Spring water also originates from an underground water table or deposit and is also bottled at source. It is microbiologically wholesome and naturally free from pollution and harmful micro-organisms. However, the difference between spring water and mineral water is that spring water does not need to demonstrate a stable composition over time.

Is Buxton® Natural Mineral Water treated chemically?

No - Buxton® Natural Mineral Water is a 100% NATURAL product and no chemicals are added for any reason.

What is the mineral composition of Buxton® Natural Mineral Water?

Buxton® Natural Mineral Water filters naturally underground and travels through a lot of rock before arriving at the surface. To ensure that no large mineral deposits make it into a bottle, we just filter the water when bottling it to remove the potential deposits. This does not remove any of the dissolved minerals in the water that make it so unique. You can see the standard composition here or directly have a look on your bottled water.

What is the Buxton® Natural Mineral Water PH?

The Buxton® Natural Mineral Water PH is 7.4 for the Still water and 5.2 for the Sparkling version.

Does Buxton® Natural Mineral Water contain any fluoride?

The content of fluoride in Buxton® Natural Mineral Water is naturally occurring. It is not added to the water as it is naturally absorbed within the mineral water as the water percolates through the rocks. Buxton has a fluoride level in water of approx. 200 µg/l.  The Maximum Allowable Concentration Limit(MCL) for fluoride in bottled water is 5.0 mg/l. If the concentration exceeds 1.5 mg/l this must be clearly labelled as being not suitable for children under 7 years of age. In our case 200 ug/l equals 0.2 mg/l so is well below the MCL or the labelling restriction.

Does Buxton® Natural Mineral Water contains any chlorine ?

Buxton® Natural Mineral Water is free from modern additives, such as chlorine, so commonly found in tap waters.