Bottled water storage information

How should I safely store my Buxton® Natural Mineral Water bottles?
When it comes to bottled water storage, It is better to aim for room temperature or cooler, out of direct sunlight and away from any solvents and chemicals.
How long can I keep the bottles if they have not been opened?
Up until the Best Before Date written on the bottle - It is better to store bottled water at room temperature or cooler, out of direct sunlight and away from any solvents and chemicals.
Can water go off?
Strictly speaking, water cannot go off because it does not contain proteins or sugars (which are broken down by microbes in foods which can go off).
If left in the open, your water may taste slightly different since it will absorb carbon dioxide. For this reason, the recommended period is to consume the water 3 days following the day it was opened.
For best refreshment, you can recap your water and store in the fridge, out of sunlight to keep a crisp taste.
Where can I find the 'best before' date and product codes on my Buxton® Natural Mineral Water bottle?
You can see below the illustration on how to find the codes on your bottle:
I have heard it is dangerous to drink bottled water that has been left in a car or that has been frozen, is that true?
No. There are no carcinogens in PET plastic . It is a myth that a plastic bottle left in a car or freezing the water in a plastic bottle will leach carcinogens into the water. The health scare began in 2002 when a Japanese television programme broadcast a theory that freezing water in plastic bottles was unsafe. This claim that drinking frozen water is bad for you has since been discredited by Cancer Research UK.