Come and see us at the 2016 Prudential Ride London event

Cycling Prudential Ride London

Join us in a celebration of cycling

We Buxtonites do love a revitalising cycle around our beautiful local landscape. The clean fresh air, the lush green rolling Peak District hills. It gives you a good, healthy thirst – which we like to quench with a cool, refreshing bottle of BUXTON® Natural Mineral Water, of course.
The thing is, we don’t want to keep all that goodness to ourselves, so for one weekend, we’re transporting a little bit of Buxton to London, for the Prudential RideLondon 2016 event, the biggest festival of cycling in the world.

A full-on festival of two-wheeled fun

With more than 100,000 cyclists expected to ride a total of more than three million miles on the weekend of 29th 30-31st July 2016, it’s a massive celebration of the sport, enjoyed by young and old alike, from all over the UK. The weekend of fun will see professional cyclists race along different rides including a 100 and a 465 mile course, then everyone else will get the chance to race them too – raising millions for charity along the way. But that’s only the half of it.
There’s a load of cycling fun to be had in 7 Festival Zones dotted around London. You’ll find us there, slap bang in the centre of Green Park Festival Zone, on Saturday 20th July – in among all World Record attempts, shows and demos. You can’t miss us. We’re the stand that looks like Buxton, in the Trial Arena.

See Buxton as you’ve never seen it before

That’s right, we’ve recreated some of the sights of our lovely home town and the Peak District landscape that surrounds it. And we’re hosting an international Urban Trials competition too. You can see top stunt rider Andrei Burton and a team of world and UK extreme champions , showing off their jaw-dropping moves – tackling a series of breath-taking challenges using our mini-Buxton town as obstacles and platforms. That’s what we call being Naturally Pumped Up ! It promises to be utterly unmissable, so make sure you’re there.
It’s all part of an amazing weekend of vitality, celebrating the good, clean, healthy pursuit of two-wheeled fun. So why not dust off your saddle, pump up your tyres, and ride on down to see us at this year’s Prudential RideLondon.

Buxton Water supporting the 2016 Prudential Ride London Event

More information on Prudential Ride London:

Images Copyrights : Thomas Lovelock, Prudential Ride London, Jed Leicester

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